Privacy Notice

VTSL's Privacy Notice (EMails)

VTSL refers to the group of companies controlled by VTSL Global Holdings Limited and includes VTSL Limited, VTSL Ireland Limited, VTSL Rentals Limited, and VTSL Business Systems Limited. The registered office and trading address for all UK group companies is 5, Nickols Walk, London, SW18 1BZ. The registered office and trading address for VTSL Ireland is Republic of Work, 12 South Mall, Cork. Privacy Notice: If you are receiving this email it is because you have given us your email address or we have a legitimate business interest with your organisation. VTSL Ltd will not retain any of your personal information without your consent or lawful reason to do so. You have the right to request that we remove your email address and other personal details at any time by emailing Read our full Privacy Notice and Data Protection Policy


VTSL Ltd will only retain personal information for one of the following lawful reasons: Contract, Consent or Legitimate Interest. You have the right to request VTSL Ltd correct, amend or delete any personal data held by us or sub-processors at any time. VTSL Ltd will fulfil such requests within 30 days, unless deemed complex or numerous. VTSL Ltd complies with the GDPR and all UK data protection laws. Our Data Protection Officer is Nicola White who can be reached at with any questions or complaints. Should you feel we are not complying, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO and / or Ofcom. Personal data is only held for the length of time it is required per our Data Protection Policy. For further details and VTSL Ltd's full Data Protection Policy, please click here.