Enabling seamless working between home and office

V-CX is our work-from-anywhere app.  The app is downloaded to your laptop, mobile phone or tablet, providing you with your office communications system anywhere. Make calls from your office phone number (while on your personal mobile), transfer calls internally, set-up conference calls and access call recordings - all while sitting at your desk at home, or on a beach in the Bahamas. 

  • Enables staff to be truly professional no matter where they are
  • Staff no longer need to use their personal mobile minutes
  • Empowers your organisation to offer seamless work-from-home technology
  • Provides visibility for management who are now able to access call logs, stats and call recordings


Download the app

If you have placed an order for the V-CX already, you can download it using the links below. You will receive a welcome email with your log-in details. If you have not placed an order yet, email sales@vtsl.net and a team member will be in touch to get you started. 

mac-button  windows-button
apple-store  google-store


Quick Reference Guides

The app is so intuitive that you don't need to read a user guide to start using it.  But in case you would like some instructions, below you will find links to our VC-X Quick Reference Guides.